
Winter at YCP (2022)

Holiday Parties - Children will celebrate with special snacks and holiday activities on Friday, December 16th. We will not have a kids gift exchange (or Santa visit) this year. Parties are for students only. Food Sign-Up Sheets will be with each Greeting Teacher in the morning (no online links). Please sign up to bring any festive foods for your children and their friends to enjoy - no candy, juice, or nuts.

Holiday Recital for Bumble Bees, Ladybugs, Grasshoppers - This year we are happy to welcome parents INSIDE Your Child's Place for our annual Holiday Recital. Please join us at 10am on Friday, December 16th (performance runs about 30 minutes.) Feel free to bring siblings, grandparents, others - we ask that every guest wear a mask while indoors.

Gifts - Teachers do not expect gifts, but if you are so inclined, individual gifts of cash or gift certificates would be most appreciated.  Front Desk would be happy to offer suggestions.

Winter Break - We will be closed beginning Monday, December 26th through Friday, December 30th. School will open on Monday January 2nd. Full tuition applies during the annual Holiday Break. We stay open for a number of Federal Holidays throughout the year so that we may close for an equal amount of days over the break between Christmas and New Year’s. You may pay via check before break, or Online or through Zelle.

Holiday Celebrations - Your Child’s Place observes many seasonal celebrations throughout the year.  These holidays are not specific to any religion and only the cultural aspects are emphasized. Activities and lessons are kept secular in nature, focusing on secular characters and objects commonly associated with the holiday and avoiding all religious references.

We welcome parents who would like to share their family traditions with activities, songs, or foods. Please consult with your child's teacher if you are interested in sending in materials to share with your child’s classroom. Your Child’s Place respects and honors each individual’s preference in respect to religion.

Welcome to December!

Holiday Party & Concert for the Bumble Bee, Ladybug, & Grasshopper Rooms will be on Friday, December 13th at 10:30am.  We welcome parents and family members as we celebrate the season with a sing-a-long presentation followed by a gift exchange and visit from Santa.  Holiday snacks will be served immediately after - please look for a sign-up sheet in the coming weeks. Please make sure to bring in a small wrapped present with your child's name clearly displayed by Monday, December 9th. You may discreetly hand the present to Ms. Zinat or your child's teacher - this is the present that YOUR child will receive.

Holiday Party for the Froggy, Butterfly, & Flower Rooms will be also be on Friday, December 13th. We will celebrate with a gift exchange and a visit from Santa, followed by special snacks - please look for a sign-up sheet in the coming weeks. Please make sure to bring in a small wrapped present with your child's name clearly displayed by Monday, December 10th. You may discreetly hand the present to Ms. Zinat or your child's teacher - this is the present that YOUR child will receive. We ask that parents do not attend this event.

Gifts - Teachers do not expect gifts, but if you are so inclined, individual gifts of cash or gift certificates would be most appreciated.  Front Desk would be happy to offer suggestions.

Winter Break - We will be closed beginning Monday, December 23rd through Wednesday, January 1st. School will open on Thursday, January 2nd. Full tuition applies during the annual Holiday Break. We stay open for a number of Federal Holidays throughout the year so that we may close for an equal amount of days over the break between Christmas and New Year’s.

Teddy Bear Portraits - We understand that a number of you were unhappy with the received portraits and we are currently in communication with the company about a new Portrait date, refund, or other compensation. We will let everyone know as soon as we can and thank you for your patience.

Holiday Celebrations - Your Child’s Place observes many seasonal celebrations throughout the year.  These holidays are not specific to any religion and only the cultural aspects are emphasized. Activities and lessons are kept secular in nature, focusing on secular characters and objects commonly associated with the holiday and avoiding all religious references.

We welcome parents who would like to share their family traditions with activities, songs, or foods. Please consult with your child's teacher if you are interested in coming to the Center to do so. Your Child’s Place respects and honors each individual’s preference in respect to religion.


December Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

Big Kids Holiday Party & Play will be on Friday, December 13th at 10:30am and Little Kids Holiday Party will be the same day.

Winter Break - We will be closed Monday, December 23rd - Wednesday, January 1st and will re-open on Thursday, January 2nd.

Welcome to December!

Ms. Pashi will be on Vacation from Friday, December 2nd - Wednesday, December 21st. You may direct all inquiries to Ms. Zinat or your child's teachers. Ms. Pashi will be able to receive emails on a limited basis and the Office can forward on correspondence to and from her, if needed.

Virginia Department of Social Services Mandated Inspections - The Fairfax County Office for Children conducts multiple site visits over the course of a year to make sure that we are maintaining all regulations and standards.  Our most recent unannounced visit occurred on Tuesday, November 8th. The Inspector spent a total of 4 hours conducting a thorough inspection of facilities, records, and most importantly the staff's interaction and overall care of children. We encourage parents to read the full report which are posted on the Information Boards in both houses. All past Inspection reports can be accessed online through the VDSS website. We are very pleased to report that there were no major violations. Some of the issues cited relate to Facility Upgrades that we plan to address during Winter Break. We use that week off to complete large building projects that we are not able to do during the year such as bathroom renovations, floor upgrades, painting, etc. This year we will be resurfacing the Infant Room floor and replacing windows and all window treatments in both buildings.

Medication Consent for Under Two (2) Years - Effective immediately, per the Inspection report, all non-prescription medication for children under the age of Two (2) must be accompanied by a Parental Medication Consent Form AND a Dr.'s note. This includes Acetaminophine and Ibuprofen - pain/fever-reducing medicines that are often used for teething and symptoms resulting from Immunizations. The staff will no longer be able to administer these medicines to any child under the age of Two without your Pediatrician's specific authorization, to include frequency and amount of dosage. Children overthe age of Two (2) will be able to receive non-prescription medications with just a Parental Medication Consent Form.

Holiday Party & Play for the Bumble Bee/Ladybug/Grasshopper Rooms will be on Friday, December 16th at 10:30am.  We welcome parents and family members as we celebrate the season with a sing-a-long presentation followed by a gift exchange and visit from Santa.  Holiday snacks will be served immediately after - please look for a sign-up sheet and note about the gift exchange in the coming weeks. Please make sure to bring in a small wrapped present with your child's name clearly displayed by Tuesday, December 13th. You may discreetly hand the present to Ms. Zinat or your child's teacher - this is the present that YOUR child will receive.

Holiday Party for the Dragonfly/Froggy/Flower Rooms will be on Thursday, December 22nd. We will celebrate with a gift exchange and a visit from Santa, followed by special snacks - please look for a sign-up sheet and note about gifts in the coming weeks. We ask that parents do not attend this event.

Gifts - Teachers do not expect gifts, but if you are so inclined, individual gifts of cash or gift certificates would be most appreciated.  Management would be happy to offer suggestions.

Winter Break - We will be closed beginning Monday, December 26th through Monday January 2nd. School will open on Tuesday, January 3rd. Full tuition applies during the annual Holiday Break. We stay open for a number of Federal Holidays throughout the year so that we may close for an equal amount of days over the break between Christmas and New Year’s.  Please refer to the Holiday Calendar attached here.

Holiday Celebrations - Your Child’s Place observes many seasonal celebrations throughout the year.  These holidays are not specific to any religion and only the cultural aspects are emphasized. Activities and lessons are kept secular in nature, focusing on secular characters and objects commonly associated with the holiday and avoiding all religious references.

We welcome parents who would like to share their family traditions with activities, songs, or foods. Please consult with your child's teacher if you are interested in coming to the Center to do so. Your Child’s Place respects and honors each individual’s preference in respect to religion.


December Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

Big Kids Holiday Party & Play will be on Friday, December 16th at 10:30am and Little Kids Holiday Party will be on Thursday, December 22nd at 10:30am.

Winter Break - We will be closed Monday, December 26th - Monday January 2nd and will re-open on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Welcome to February

Valentine's Day Party - Children will exchange cards and enjoy special holiday treats on Friday, February 12th at 3:30pm (Both Houses.) Please look for sign-up sheets if you would like to bring in food items for the parties. All Valentine's cards must be given to teachers no later than the morning of Thursday, February 11th. Please do not include any candy or chocolate with your cards. Teachers will place classroom lists in your child's cubby by the end of this week. Children in the Infant Room will not be participating in the party.

Updated Nap/Rest Policy- We believe all children need an opportunity to recharge during their days at YCP. We schedule a daily (2 Hour) Quiet Time where children may nap or rest. During this time, children will not be forced to sleep, nor woken up prematurely from their naps. We will never prevent a child from sleeping if they ask to sleep or exhibit drowsiness.

Infants up to 8 or 12 months have a flexible daily schedule based on their individual needs. They are allowed to sleep on-demand and all naps are recorded in their Daily Info sheets.

Young Toddlers (up to 18 months) are put down for nap every day, but may also sleep for additional periods, if needed.

Once your child has graduated out of the Infant Room, Licensing requirements mandate a designated Rest Period of up to one (1) hour and no more than two (2) hours every day. Your Child’s Place schedules a two-hour period for Rest/Nap every day.

During this time, children will be put down on their individual mats or cots, lights will be dimmed, and soothing music will be played.

  • After thirty (30) minutes, if a child awakens on their own or is still awake, they will be given books or soft toys to play with on their mats
  • If after an hour, they choose not to or are unable to sleep, they will be allowed to sit at a table for quiet activities until the rest of the class awakens.

Our Teacher Ratios do not allow us to have children opt out of naps/rest period.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease - We have had a few cases of this highly contagious and very common virus in the Infant, Flower, and Grashopper Rooms. In order to prevent further infections, if your child has been diagnosed, they must remain at home until the following criteria have been met:

  • They are able to maintain a regular temperature for at least 24 hours.
  • All blisters/sores have healed and are dry (with no puss or fluid leaking.)

Although symptoms may be minor, the disease is highly contagious. Please inform your Pediatrician that your child may have come into contact with the disease, as symptoms may be attributed to other viruses. Symptoms include:

  • Exhaustion
  • Sore Throat
  • Fever between 101F – 103F
  • Blisters in the mouth, hands, feet, or buttocks
  • Pimple or rash-like appearance
  • Loss of Appetite and Dehydration

In some cases a skin rash may appear before the blisters do. The blisters may break open and crust over. The sores and blisters usually go away in a week or so. In some cases there are no symptoms, or they are very mild. Parents may get the disease from their children and not even realize it. You and your child can get HFMD multiple times as it is caused by several different viruses.


Show & Tell is now listed in the Calendar portion of the website - click on the individual day to see what items your child needs to bring in.

February Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

We will be open on Monday, February 15th for President's Day.

Welcome to December!

Ident-a-Kid will be coming to YCP this Friday, December 4th at 9:30am. If you are interested, please fill out and return forms (placed in your child's cubby) by Friday.  These identification cards contain your child's photo, fingerprints, and description. For more information, please visit Ident-A-Kid.

Party & Play for the Bumble Bee/Ladybug/Grasshopper Rooms will be on Friday, December 18th at 10:30am.  We welcome parents and family members as we celebrate the season with a sing-a-long presentation followed by a gift exchange and visit from Santa.  Holiday snacks will be served immediately after - please look for a sign-up sheet and note about the gift exchange in the coming weeks. 

for the Froggy/Flower Rooms will be on Monday, December 21st. We will celebrate with a gift exchange and a visit from Santa, followed by special snacks - please look for a sign-up sheet and note about gifts in the coming weeks. We ask that parents do not attend this event.

Gifts - Teachers do not expect gifts, but if you are so inclined, individual gifts of cash or gift certificates would be most appreciated.  Management would be happy to offer suggestions.

Winter Break - We will be closed beginning Friday, December 25th through Friday, January 1st.  School will open on Monday, January 4th. Full tuition applies during the annual Holiday Break. We stay open for a number of Federal Holidays throughout the year so that we may close for an equal amount of days over the break between Christmas and New Year’s.  Please refer to the Holiday Calendar attached here.

Holiday Celebrations - Your Child’s Place observes many seasonal celebrations throughout the year.  These holidays are not specific to any religion and only the cultural aspects are emphasized. Activities and lessons are kept secular in nature, focusing on secular characters and objects commonly associated with the holiday and avoiding all religious references.

We welcome parents who would like to share their family traditions with activities, songs, or foods. Please consult with Ms. Pashi if you are interested in coming to the Center to do so. Your Child’s Place respects and honors each individual’s preference in respect to religion.

Scholastic Book Orders - If you are interested in placing an order online, you may:

  • Go to Scholastic and enter the YCP Activation code: MTTGT.
  • Shop from the carefully curated selection of books and pay for your order.
  • Books will be sent to YCP, where they will be placed in your child’s cubby 4-10 days from the time of ordering. Remember, every parent order allows YCP to purchase more books for our classrooms.

December Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

Winter Attire - please make sure your child has appropriate cold weather clothes to include:

  • Warm coat that fits
  • Gloves or mittens
  • Hat
  • Warm shoes and socks
  • Please NO scarves
  • Change out extra clothes in cubbies to reflect the colder temperatures