
Welcome to June!

Virginia Department of Social Services Mandated Inspections - The Fairfax County Office for Children conducts multiple site visits over the course of a year to make sure that we are maintaining all regulations and standards.  Our most recent unannounced visit occurred on Tuesday, May 28th. The Inspector spent a total of 3 hours conducting a thorough inspection of facilities, records, and most importantly the staff's interaction and overall care of children. We are very pleased to report that there were ZERO violations to be found and the Inspector was pleased with the activities and interaction he witnessed from the teachers and children. We encourage parents to read the full report which are posted on the Information Boards in both houses. All past Inspection reports can be accessed online through the VDSS website.

Preschool Graduation is set for Friday, June 21st for Graduates and Families only. The program will begin at 10:30 am sharp and end promptly at 11:30 am (please arrive no earlier than 10:15 am.) Light refreshments will be served and we welcome siblings, grandparents, and all other extended family - RSVP with total number of guests by Friday, June 7th. Please limit the amount of cars to no more than two (2) per family.

Extra Clothes - Now is a good time to switch out extra clothes in your child's cubby to warm weather attire. Infants need 4-5 extra sets of clothes, Toddlers need 2-3 sets of clothes, Older kids need 1-2 sets of clothes. Please check your child's cubby at the end of every week to make sure that they have enough extra clothing.

Summer Program - The YCP Academic Year will end on June 21st and the Summer Program will begin on Monday, July 1st.  Activities will be structured around summer themes and will focus on children playing and have fun. Some academic lessons will continue so that children do not backtrack before entering their new classrooms in the Fall. We will not post Weekly Activities, but our Thematic Activity Calendars will still be available every month. A few details about the program:

  • An Activity Fee of $35 for a single child, $60 for siblings is due by Monday, June 24th and goes towards supplies, special events, and performances - This fee does not apply to Infant Room or Graduating Grasshoppers (who have already registered.)

  • Our "In-House Field Trips" are scheduled on most Fridays. Parents are welcome to attend these events, please look for these in the Monthly Calendars and let us know if you would like to come.

  • There will be no Show & Tell for the Summer.

  • "Splash Day" will occur one day a week where children will have Water Activities. Please see below for details.

  • Please refer to the Outdoor Play Policy for questions on appropriate clothing and Playground Time during Inclement Weather (including Code days.)

  • Please refer to the Updated Ointment Policy for Outdoor Play. Make sure your child has Mosquito Repellent and Sunscreen for the summer. All ointments must have a current permission form on file - new formsshould have been placed in cubiies this week. All Ointments must be labeled and handed directly to your child’s teacher - do NOT leave in cubby/bag or on a counter.

  • Reminder: teachers expect children to come to school wearing sunscreen and will only apply sunscreen in the afternoon on an As Needed basis.  Mosquito Repellent will only be applied in the Morning or Afternoon on an As needed Basis (unless otherwise discussed with Ms. Pashi.)


Show & Tell - There will be no Show & Tell for the month of June through the end of August.

June Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online

Welcome to June!


Preschool Graduation is set for Friday, June 15th for Graduates and Families only. The program will begin at 10:30 am sharp and end promptly at 11:30 am (please arrive no earlier than 10:15 am.) Light refreshments will be served and we welcome siblings, grandparents, and all other extended family - RSVP with total number of guests by Friday, June 8th. Please limit the amount of cars to no more than two (2) per family.

Extra Clothes - Now is a good time to switch out extra clothes in your child's cubby to warm weather attire. Infants need 4-5 extra sets of clothes, Toddlers need 2-3 sets of clothes, Older kids need 1-2 sets of clothes. Please check your child's cubby at the end of every week to make sure that they have enough extra clothing.

Summer Program - The YCP Academic Year will end on June 15th and the Summer Program will begin on Monday, June 25th.  Activities will be structured around summer themes and will focus on children playing and have fun. Some academic lessons will continue so that children do not backtrack before entering their new classrooms in the Fall. We will not post Weekly Activities, but our Thematic Activity Calendars will still be available every month. A few details about the program:

  • An Activity Fee of $35 for a single child, $60 for siblings is due by Monday, June 18th and goes towards supplies, special events, and performances - This fee does not apply to Infant Room or Graduating Grasshoppers (who have already registered.)
  • Our "In-House Field Trips" are scheduled on most Fridays. Parents are welcome to attend these events, please look for these in the Monthly Calendars and let us know if you would like to come.
  • There will be no Show & Tell for the Summer.
  • "Splash Day" will occur one day a week where children will have Water Activities. Please see below for details.
  • Please refer to the Outdoor Play Policy for questions on appropriate clothing and Playground Time during Inclement Weather (including Code days.)
  • Please refer to the Updated Ointment Policy for Outdoor Play. Make sure your child has Mosquito Repellent and Sunscreen for the summer. All ointments must have a current permission form on file - new forms will placed in your child's cubby during the week of June 4th. Reminder: teachers expect children to come to school wearing sunscreen and will only apply sunscreen in the afternoon on an As Needed basis.  Mosquito Repellent will only be applied in the Morning or Afternoon on an As needed Basis (unless otherwise discussed with Ms. Pashi.)


Show & Tell - There will be no Show & Tell for the month of June through the end of August.

June Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

Welcome to June!


Preschool Graduation is set for Friday, June 24th for Graduates and Families only. The program will begin at 10:30 am sharp and end promptly at 11:30 am (please arrive no earlier than 10:15 am.) Light refreshments will be served and we welcome siblings, grandparents, and all other extended family - RSVP with total number of guests by Friday, June 10th. Please limit the amount of cars to no more than two (2) per family.

Extra Clothes - Now is a good time to switch out extra clothes in your child's cubby to warm weather attire. Infants need 4-5 extra sets of clothes, Toddlers need 2-3 sets of clothes, Older kids need 1-2 sets of clothes. Please check your child's cubby at the end of every week to make sure that they have enough extra clothing.

Summer Program - The YCP Academic Year will end on June 24th and the Summer Program will begin on Tuesday, July 5th.  Activities will be structured around summer themes and will focus on children playing and have fun. Some academic lessons will continue so that children do not backtrack before entering their new classrooms in the Fall. We will not post Weekly Activities, but our Thematic Activity Calendars will still be available every month. A few details about the program:

  • An Activity Fee of $25 is due by Monday, June 27th and goes towards supplies, special events, and performances.
  • Our "In-House Field Trips" are scheduled on most Fridays. Parents are welcome to attend these events, please look for these in the Monthly Calendars and let us know if you would like to come. This year we will have A Magician, Puppet Shows, Petting Zoo, Musical/Percussion Performers, and Young Scientists.
  • There will be no Show & Tell for the Summer.
  • "Splash Day" will occur one day a week where children will have Water Activities. Details will be emailed the last week of June.
  • Please refer to the Outdoor Play Policy for questions on appropriate clothing and Playground Time during Inclement Weather (including Code days.)
  • Please refer to the Updated Ointment Policy for Outdoor Play. Make sure your child has Mosquito Repellent and Sunscreen for the summer. All ointments must have a current permission form on file, please submit if you have not done so already. Reminder: teachers expect children to come to school wearing suncreen and will only apply sunscreen in the afternoon on an As Needed basis.  Mosquito Repellent will only be applied in the Morning or Afternoon on an As needed Basis (unless otherwise discussed with Ms. Pashi.)

Leaving Items in Cubby - Please make sure that all non-school related items are kept outside of your child's cubby. If you do need to place items in the cubby (extra clothes/items for a playdate, gift-wrapped present, personal correspondence, etc.) please make a note in the Communication Logbook to inform teachers. All non-school items will be removed from cubbies and placed inside locked cabinets until the end of the day, unless noted in the logbook. Please ask your child's teachers where the Logbooks are located if you are unsure. Never leave medications, food/drink items, or ointments in your child's cubby - this is a critical violation according to our licensing agency.


Show & Tell is now listed in the Calendar portion of the website - click on the individual day to see what items your child needs to bring in. Last day of Show & Tell for the Bumble Bee, Ladybug, and Grasshoppers will be on June 14th. Last day of Show & Tell for the Flower Room will be on June 21st.

June Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.