Welcome to February!

Valentine’s Day Party on Friday, February 14th at 10:30am (Both Houses.) Please look for sign-up sheets if you would like to bring in food items for the parties. All Valentine's cards must be given to teachers no later than the Monday, February 10th. Please do not include any candy or chocolate with your cards. Teachers will place class lists in your child’s bag this week. Children in the Infant Room will not be participating in the party. 

Illness Policy  - As we enter the 2020 Flu season, we will be taking extra precautions to make sure kids and staff stay as healthy as possible. We encourage kids to wash their hands often and ask parents to model this at home as well.

During this season, we will notify ALL parents of a contagious illness, regardless of class to give all families a heads-up. Whenever a case has been determined, teachers will fully sanitize the room, to include surfaces, toys, and linens (among other things.)

Teachers may send home certain supplies more frequently to be cleaned at home like blankets, sippy cups, pacifiers, etc. Please make sure to return these items in a timley manner.

And as always, please make sure to keep us informed if your child gets sick or if anyone in your family has contracted a contagious virus so that we can keep our school community as healthy as possible. As a reminder, you need to keep your child home if they have the following:

  • Fever over 100 (orally), Diarrhea and/or Vomiting

  • Rash WITH additional symptoms

  • Profuse discharge from Eyes, Ears, or Nose

  • Open/Wet Sores

Coronavirus  - We are consulting with the Health Department so that we may stay informed and will convey new information as we receive it. At this time, only persons who have the following symptoms should seek further medical advice:

Fever AND/OR symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g., cough, difficulty breathing) and either a history of travel from Wuhan, China or close contact with a person who is under investigation when that person was ill or a laboratory-confirmed patient.


February Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

We will be OPEN Monday, February 17th (President's Day.)

Valentine’s Day Party will be on Friday, February 14th for both houses at 10:30am.