Welcome to February!

Valentine's Day Party - Children will exchange cards and enjoy special holiday treats on Wednesday, February 14th at 3:30pm (Both Houses.) Please look for sign-up sheets if you would like to bring in food items for the parties. All Valentine's cards must be given to teachers no later than the Monday, February 12th. Please do not include any candy or chocolate with your cards. We will email class lists by the end of this week. Children in the Infant Room will not be participating in the party.

Immunization Audit - We will be undergoing an Immunization Audit this month administered by the Health Department. If your child has recently had or is about to have their 12-month, 18-month, or 4-year annual check-up, please remember to bring in those immunization records.

Your Child's Place has a pro-vaccine Policy in place that requires all registered children to follow the Minimum Immunization Requirements that Fairfax County has put into place. These guidelines come directly from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control. If your child's Immunization Records are not kept up to date, we may ask that you keep your child at home until all records are submitted - our Licensing requires that we stay on top of your child's Vaccination Records at all times.

Updated Medication Policy - Please note our updated Medication Policy. We have revised to make the procedures and requirements easier to understand in an effort to minimize confusion.

One form must be completed for each medication. Multiple Medications cannot be listed on a consent form.

Prescribed Drugs shall be given to a child only in accordance with a signed Dr.’s order/authentic prescription, with the parent/legal guardian’s written consent

Please make sure all given medication is age-appropriate for your child (Specifically Infant/Under 2 vs. Child/Over 2.)

Forms are good for 2 weeks only, and doses after that period will require a new Consent Form.

Any Medication that does not have a current Consent Form will be discarded. Any Medications after the 2-week period will be discarded unless parents request a return.

When bringing in Medications:

  • Please hand directly to a Teacher or Director. Please do not leave any medication in your child’s bag or cubby or on the Front Desk.
  • All Medication must be given in original packaging, to include package insert or pharmacy printout.
  • All Medication and Packaging must be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
  • Over the Counter Medications used on an as needed basis (for general pain/teething/fevers associated with shots/etc.) must list specific times and be renewed every 2 weeks.
    • If your child is under the age of 2, these types of Medications can only be given with a Doctor’s Consent Form + parental consent form.
    • Children over the age of 2 can be given these types of Medications with just a parental consent form.

For severe Allergy Medications:

  • Epipens and Benadryl may be stored for up to 1 year with a signed Dr.’s order/authentic prescription + parent/legal guardian’s written consent. These medications must be stored in original packaging.

Playground Gate - Please make sure that you close the gate behind you everytime you enter and exit the Playground.

Water Cooler - We would appreciate if parents could assist their children when using the Water Cooler and encourage them to use only one cup and try to limit water spills.


February Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.

We will be OPEN Monday, February 19th (President's Day.)

Wear your PJs Day on Friday, February 2nd for Grasshopper, Ladybug, and Bumble Bee.