Summer Program - We have posted updated Summer Schedules in each classroom, please take a look. During the Summer, we will not have Weekly Lesson Plans, just Monthly Activity Programs - posted on the website and in each classroom. Summer Activities do not include those in the Infant Room and Dragonly Room. Also, no Show & Tell during the summer months.
Splash Day - This week, children began to participate in Water Activities twice a week. Activities occur in the 2580 shaded porch around the water tables where children splash, play with boats, bubbles, "sea animals," funnels, cups, etc. Children are encouraged to get as wet as they want and that is why we ask them to come to school already wearing their bathings suits.
Friday Picnics - Every Friday the Big Kids (Bumble Bee, Ladybug, and Grasshopper) will have bagged lunches at the Playground (still catered through Fairfax Food Service.) The Little Kids (Flower & Froggy) will eat their AM snacks on the playground.
Ointments - just a reminder that we cannot accept any types of Aersosol Sprays for either Sunscreen or Mosquito Repellents. Teachers will only apply Pump Sprays and Lotions when needed. If you have already brought in an Aerosol Ointment, teachers will begin returning those.
Extra Clothes - Please check your child's cubby to make sure they have appropriate seasonal wear. If your child is recentely potty-trained, please make sure there are at least 2 extra pairs of underwear. Grasshoppers need only 1 extra pair of underwear.
Hair Care - If your child requires their hair to be brushed, we ask that you bring in a labeled comb or brush and all necessary accessories (clips, rubber bands, etc.) Teachers will keep your child's individual items separated in a ziploc bagand only use them on your child.
We will be closed Tuesday, July 4th for Independence Day.
July Monthly Activity Calendars and Lunch Menu are now posted online.