
Ointment Policy for Outdoor Activities

Mosquito Repellent

The outdoor play area at Your Child’s Place is maintained regularly to keep clear of any standing water that breeds mosquitoes.  A regular monthly inspection of the outdoor play area is conducted for any sign of harmful insect nests or prevalence of mosquitoes. Additionally, we hire a professional pest service to apply a natural mosquito barrier spray every 2 weeks (and more often when there is increased moisture/rainfall.)

We ask parents to bring in mosquito repellent to be kept on hand for days when mosquitos may be particularly aggressive. Mosquito repellent will only be applied on an AS Needed basis. Teachers will not apply mosquito repellent each and every time children play outdoors. When to apply repellent will be at the discretion of the Director with input from Teachers.

Mosquito Repellents  must be accompanied by an Ointment Permission Form (see below.*)


We understand that children need to be protected from direct exposure to the sun due to sensitive skin.  The outdoor play area at Your Child’s Place has been specifically designed to make use of the ample shade created by existing mature trees, and therefore, there is very little direct sunlight. The sun shines most directly on our playground in the afternoon and children may need sun protection at that time.

We ask parents to apply sunscreen at home before bringing their children into school. Sunscreen will be applied to your child for afternoon outdoor play only. We also recommend dressing your child in long-sleeved shirts and/or pants made of light/breathable fabric. We strongly encourage parents to bring in a sunhat for their children – specifically those that cover both the face and neck and will firmly stay on your child’s head as they run around. All outdoor water activities will occur in a shaded area and sunscreen will not be applied at that time.

Young Toddlers under the age of 2 years will only go to the playground once in the morning. Teachers may reapply sunscreen on them at that time, due to the sensitive nature of their skin. We will not take any children under 2 years out without a sunhat.

Sunscreen must be accompanied by an Ointment Permission Form (see below*.)

*Ointment Permission Forms are good for three (3) months and new forms will be required after the expiration date, if still needed.  Staff is instructed to use the specified ointment products supplied by the parents from the original containers labeled with the child’s name.  Staff must follow manufacturer’s instructions for age, duration and dosage. Ointments will always be applied to the staff member’s hands and then rubbed onto the child’s skin. Staff members without medication administration training may apply ointments, unless it is a prescription in which case the container must be clearly labeled, locked, and applied by a MAT-trained Staff member.

We will no longer be accepting any forms of Aerosol Sprays.

Please bring in Pump-Sprays or Cream for Mosquito Repellent and Sunscreen only.