Updated Closing Policy

YCP Closing Procedures:

Please find the following YCP procedures for closings and delays. On the days when YCP has a delayed opening, Morning Snack will not be served. Please make sure your child has been fed before bringing them. During severe weather, we always appreciate early pick-ups, so that staff and families may travel safely home. 

To check YCP’s status during an emergency, please go to:

·      YCP Twitter Account (@yourchildsplace)

·      YCP Home Page, the live feed at the bottom of the page.

Weather-Related Closings/Delays:

YCP follows the Federal Government (OPM) for closing and late procedures based on weather. The Center will remain open during liberal leave policies. If you are uncertain about a potential delay during school hours, you may call us on the day in question for verification. 

After hours, you can also go to OPM Current Status for up to the minute alerts on the Federal Government's operating procedures.

Emails will NOT be sent for standard OPM weather closings and late procedures.

Emergency Closings during a Federal Holiday:

If there is an emergency closing on a Federal Holiday where YCP is open, all Closings/Late Procedures will be at the discretion of the Director. Decisions will always err on the side of safety for our staff and families traveling to and from school. A decision will be made by 5:30am on the day of. 

Parents WILL receive an email stating any closing/delays for these types of unexpected emergencies only.

Do not check the OPM site during Federal Holidays as the status will reflect Normal Operating Procedures and not display Emergency Closures on Holidays.

Other Emergency Closings:

During all other emergency closings, including but not limited to Terrorist Alerts, the Center will observe Fairfax County Public School Procedures.  Please ask to see a copy of our Emergency Preparedness Policies and Procedures at the front desk for further information.

An email WILL be sent if YCP closes for localized emergencies.